11 GDH Ice Cream
11.1 Problem Introduction
GDH provides ice cream for its wonderful customers. I LOVE GDH. Do you love it as much as me (let’s discuss)?
In the last three years GDH used ice cream, in pounds, by month, as shown in the attached file.
#> Month.Name year1 year2 year3
#> Jan 60 67 64
#> Feb 68 67 72
#> Mar 83 62 61
#> Apr 102 95 107
#> May 95 105 101
#> Jun 57 89 75
#> Jul 61 57 81
#> Aug 109 109 104
#> Sep 56 86 88
#> Oct 53 53 65
#> Nov 74 72 72
#> Dec 73 64 65
11.2 Assignment
Please answer the following questions using R:.
GDH provides ice cream cones for its customers. In the last three years GDH used ice cream, in pounds, by month, as shown in the attached file.
- In R, create the above data frame and name it ice.cream
- What is another way you could have created the same data set?
- Using R, what is the mean using for the months of Feb and Oct?
- Create a chart showing ice cream use over time.
- Which year used the most ice cream?
- Which month has the highest standard deviation of ice cream use?
- Which year has the highest standard deviation of ice cream use?
- Also, you May want to check out this link to look at something called dataframes that may help with this assignment (but is not absolutely necessary) https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/base/versions/3.6.2/topics/data.frame
- Can you transpose your matrix?
- Can you add meaningful row names and column names?