1 Introduction
This is a book written which contains all the materials and lessons for BADM 371 Intro to Data Analytics. If you miss a day, want to review something we covered in class, or for any reason want to look for a worksheet, this is where you can go.
Each chapter contains a different topic we will cover during the semester. Some larger topics are split into two chapters to make accessing the materials a little more intuitive.
This book is updated automatically with any changes made to the documents during the semester, so if at any point you are told there was a change in the assignment, you can come here to get the updated version.
Also, this book has benefited greatly from lots of free, readily available resources posted on the web and we leverage these extensively. I would encourage you to review these resources in your analytics journey. Some that we specifically use with great frequency are these (and I say loud THANK YOU to the authors!):